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Open Rail ORTS

Foro del simulador Open Rails

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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor sammas » Vie Mar 29, 2013 2:16 pm

Cómo conseguir las ultimísimas versiones experimentales de Open Rails ANTES de que se publiquen en su propia página: entra en el enlace y en Nombre de Usuario=orpublic y en Password=orpublic versión actual 1517: (se bajan uno a uno, haciendo click en ellos)

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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor cisterna » Vie Mar 29, 2013 2:43 pm

sammas escribió:Cómo conseguir las ultimísimas versiones experimentales de Open Rails ANTES de que se publiquen en su propia página: entra en el enlace y en Nombre de Usuario=orpublic y en Password=orpublic versión actual 1517: (se bajan uno a uno, haciendo click en ellos)

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Ya lo dijo RTP en la página 6 y lo volvió a repetir en la página 7.

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Registrado: Dom Nov 07, 2010 7:12 pm

Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor sammas » Vie Mar 29, 2013 7:17 pm

Y lo había leido, pero también lei, "Es conveniente darse de alta, para poder ver las capturas" y "If you log in to" y entonces di por hecho, la necesidad de estar dado de alta para poder bajarlo.
Esa es la "razón" de mi más que evidente reincidencia o reiteración.
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor RTP » Vie Mar 29, 2013 8:00 pm

Una cosa es darse de alta en Elvas Tower y otra entrar en la web de descargas de OR.
Para entrar en esta: User orpublic
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor FERNY » Sab Abr 06, 2013 7:56 pm

Nueva versión "experimental X. 1542":
Apr 6, 2013 - Download Experimental Release X.1542

Recent Revision History

r1542 Bug 1164666 - fix for forest trees diappearing at most angles. Patch by Peter Gulyas (pzgulyas).

r1541 Update for quad-tiles.

r1540 Attempt to show quad-tiles, with partial success (small gaps may exist)

r1539 Corrects error in direction of train on start-up in areas with loops. Also preliminary changes for improved dispatcher signal control.

r1536 Small update of DM and SuperElevation

r1535 Distant Mountains: for 32x32KM and high-Resolution LO_TILES. Super elevation: remove switches from consideration

r1533 Distant Mountains: add an option to adjust the viewing distance, make it more efficient. Super Elevation: further fix of missing tracks.

r1532 Update for super elevation, distant mountains (remove hard-coded areas) and multiplayer.

r1531 Corrected error in array dimension for waiting points. Corrected error where AI trains do not always clear old path on reversal.

r1530 Update the shaders to reduce and avoid the 'preshader' functionality in DirectX's effects system. This gives a performance boost in many cases. Much of this work was contributed by forum member gpz.

r1529 Fix for signals marked as semaphore but without matching shape matrix name.

r1528 Fix for Bug 1154002 DirIncrease ignored in CVF. Added support for anti-clockwise dials and also negative values.

r1527 Update for forests (inner boundary w.r.t tree size).

r1526 Multiplayer: using better methods to hold/release signals.

r1525 Multiplayer: support tilted train, try to avoid unexpected reversing

r1524 Distant Mountains: add more tiles (up to 40KM into consideration)

r1523 Distant Mountains: Updated with corrected texture, less fog, avoid (to some extend) conflict of DM and normal terrain

r1522 Corrects error in check for initial train position (Bug 1156257)

r1521 Distant Mountains: set fog distance further

r1520 Update super elevation and car vibration

r1519 Distant Mountains: first try, needs to turn it on in the menu options.

r1518 Adapted parsing of sigscr.dat file to process 'NOT' as alternative for '!' in IF statements.

r1517 Bug 1152633 - split rendering of alpha blended materials in to two phases: opaque and blended. Improves alpha sorting issues on opaque (but blended) surfaces.

r1516 Fix candidate for Bug 1159963.

r1515 Add FOV option with help text.

r1514 Corrects error when reversing through misalligned switch in manual or explorer mode.

r1513 Change wire to single conductor to better match MSTS. Added better support for routes that use HIDEWIRE technique (see )

r1512 Correction for crash in path conversion (Bug 1159710)

r1510 Bug 1134718 - fix for headlight cone being left behind when coupling to the front coupler and other cases where it was denied by the light config.

r1509 Fix for a crash seen while investigating Bug 1103137.

r1508 Bug 1098600 - fix for spurious shadowed areas from large items when camera is facing in certain directions.

r1507 Fix for Bug 1095066, "Distance_dec not working in an ...eng.sms file." Patch submitted by Carlo.

r1506 Sets correct speed limit if speed set by signal exceeds overall speed limit (Bug 1157182]. Correction of multi_dist_sig_mr processing which returned incorrect state if only one signal was found, furthermore it will also return state in no 'end' signal is found. Correction in route processing for looped routes without signals.

r1505 Fixed bug where OpenRails.exe was still checking for Reader.dll

r1504 Eliminated READER.DLL.

r1503 Bug 1121939 - possible fix for crass loading level crossing.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor RTP » Dom Abr 07, 2013 2:03 am

Las mejoras son bastante importantes.
Mejoras en las presentaciones multiplayer.
Mejoras en los peraltes.
Ahora se debe especificar el ancho de vía en las opciones, con lo cual se ha resuelto el problema de las vías estrechas.
Mejoras en las transiciones de entrada y salida del peralte.
Mejora gráfica. Aumentan algo las fps.
Casi resuelto el problema de los arboles que invadían la vía.
Cambio total en el tratamiento de los humos y vapores de las locomotoras de vapor.
Utiliza el "smokemain.ace", que se encuentra en global-textures.
El que viene de origen da un humo excesivamente denso.
Yo lo he cambiado por un humo diesel bajado de trensim y la cosa tiene buen aspecto.
Que lo disfruteis.

Open Rails 2013-04-05 02-54-31.JPG
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor 444.518 » Dom Abr 07, 2013 9:33 am

Anoche estuve probando esta nueva versión experimental y mi valoración es muy positiva :app:

Los peraltes mejorados, la anchura de vía variable y las montañas distantes son todo un logro. Di un paseo a una 'japonesa y media' por el puerto de Pajares y la experiencia fue sensacional. Si hubiera habido balanceo de la cabina en los peraltes, la experiencia hubiera sido sencillamente perfecta :shock:
Un saludo, J.
El problema de tener una mente abierta, es que la gente se empeña en llegar y tratar de poner cosas dentro.
-- Terry Pratchett
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor ut440_236 » Dom Abr 07, 2013 5:23 pm

Lo de estos chavales de OpenRails es digno de mención y sobretodo, maratoniano. Un aplauso para ellos :app: y como siempre, gratuito.

No hay nada mejor que pasarse la tarde de domingo a bordo de un "pequeño vermellón" suizo surcando el paso del Bernina:
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Registrado: Sab Jun 23, 2007 6:59 pm
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor FERNY » Sab Abr 13, 2013 4:40 pm

Nueva versión: "Experimental X 1565"

Apr 13, 2013 - Download Experimental Release X.1565

Recent Revision History

r1565 Applied patch submitted by rdamurphy for Bug 1160468, diesel smoke intensity.

r1564 Fix for Bug 1167940 - Misbehaving sounds in recent OR X.versions

r1563 MP: Dispatch window supports resize and maximize Fix: Bug 1168575

r1562 Light: w.r.t Penalty, fix Bug 1168485. Try to fix Bug 1153299 (front coupling problem)

r1561 Multiplayer: fix a problem of connection, sync weather

r1560 Controlling fog individually with shift- and shift+, controlling overcast with ctrl- and ctrl+ will also impact fog. These are synchronized in MP.

r1559 MP: changing the signal system, this is a temp fix before a full revision is ready

r1558 Update DM, add a choice of setting fogs in Experiments (1: smallest, 5: most), can be changed using "shift =" key. and sync it with clients in MP.

r1557 Distant mountain: avoid showing DM too close. Fix Bug 1165341 of head light.

r1556 Fix Bug 1166427, allow viewing distance from 500m-10000m.

r1555 Correction for Bug 1166453 (incorrect type for wagon when copying WAG info) Correction for Bug 1166454 (crash in sigscr.dat processing)

r1554 Partial fix of Bug 1157441 (Ctrl-E will switch cab now, but not train direction if cab is facing rear)

r1553 Avoiding showing DMs out of camera FOV

r1552 Update DM for quadtiles and 32x32KM lotiles, fix Bug 1165494.

r1551 Move DM choices to "Video" in the menu option. Added two values to tune normal viewing distance and how much to lower the DM (to avoid conflict with normal tiles). Clean code for SuperElevation.

r1550 Fix to allow RailDeiver display dynamic brake on combination control

r1548 Removed redundant MSTSEngineController class, moved MSTSNotch class into MSTSNotchController.cs and deleted MSTSEngineController.cs

r1547 Fix of bug Bug 1159147, avoiding trains running off tracks

r1546 Make digital cab view controls use proper font rendering, removing Arial spritbatch. Tidy up cab view control rendering code.

r1544 Fix for labels appearing as black outlines only in some cases. Also put date/time back in revision.txt so that it is always marked to be comitted, even though the date/time is not used any more.

r1543 Rewrite versioning code to avoid the need for putting date/time in revision.txt (and thus avoid localised dates).
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor RTP » Mié Abr 17, 2013 1:49 am

En la versión x1571:

Las montañas lejanas han mejorado muchísimo.
El humo diésel ha mejorado mucho.
y, sobre todo, la cabina se inclina en los peraltes.

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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor RTP » Vie Abr 19, 2013 2:19 pm

En la versión x1573 se ha mejorado la inclinación de la cabina.
En la primera captura, se puede ver que solo se aprecia la inclinación de la cabina. Se circula a poca velocidad.
En la segunda, se inclinan la cabina y el paisaje. Se circula a una velocidad excesiva para el peralte.

Y todos los intermedios.

Open Rails 2013-04-19 03-00-36.JPG
Open Rails 2013-04-19 04-40-33.JPG
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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor FERNY » Sab Abr 20, 2013 4:36 pm

Nueva version:
Apr 20, 2013 - Download Experimental Release X.1576

Recent Revision History

r1576 Fix candidate for where-have-all-the-sounds-gone-to-in-x1567

r1575 Fix 'Engine sounds continually restart every 20 seconds' engine-sounds-continually-restart-every-20-seconds Fix candidate for Bug 1090899.

r1574 Fix: Bug 1080252 “2nd Pantograph Sound Problem” Bug 1161577 “Dynamic Brake handle sound trigger not implemented..." Bug 1169823 “Variable2 and Variable3 sound triggers not defined...”

r1573 Car vibration taking into account of acceleration and damping. Cab tilting as well as land tilting.

r1572 Trying to fix the mile marker Bug 1159393

r1571 Further fix for Bug 1168761

r1570 Cab tilting for tilted train as well.

r1569 Fix DM interfering with normal (re-introducing lowering DM as a choice, by default 5M). Fix Bug 1168761 Cab tilting for Super elevation (Fix Bug 1159573

r1568 Submitting fix to solve the bell not stopping issue. Bug 1169041

r1567 Fix for Bug 1155402 also shortens sleep time. May affect performance.

r1566 Fix for Bug 1155402 also modified handling of cue points and cleaned the code up a bit.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España

Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor FERNY » Sab Abr 27, 2013 4:48 pm

Nueva Versión:
Apr 27, 2013 - Download Experimental Release X.1587

Recent Revision History

r1587 Small change to make V1586 more robust.

r1586 Fix cab Bug 1134743, Bug 1166608. Fix crash of Move function (Bug 1141751).

r1585 Fix wrong gap for remote train cars (Bug 1095529), try to fix Bug 1166515.

r1584 Fix for Bug 1171996, Bug 1171618 (cab tilting direction); try to fix Bug 1141751.

r1583 Cab tilting further update (land tilting)

r1582 Fix Bug 1127659 and Bug 1126477 for camera location after uncoupling, Bug 1171072 (tilting of saved explore game).

r1581 Error in checking initial train position corrected.

r1580 Errors in waiting point processing for AI corrected. Errors in reversal point processing corrected. Added processing for stations which have gone 'off route' due to alternative path selection (for AI only).

r1579 Update cab tilting for different screen resolutions

r1578 1) Bug fix for Bug 1170758 2) Added Wheelslip confirmations for the simple adhesion model (indication for cabview also added) 3) Zero speed friction smoothed to help the new physics to move the train (especially for heavy trains)

r1577 Update cab tilting without culling(not work for 16:9), tune down car vib.
"La luz al final del tunel es siempre la del tren que viene de frente."
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Registrado: Dom Feb 18, 2007 7:42 pm
Ubicación: Alicante, España

Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor RTP » Sab Abr 27, 2013 7:57 pm

Una importante mejora en esta versión, es que las composiciones múltiples, como el Alvia 130
ya se pueden mover hacia atrás.

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Re: Open Rail ORTS

Notapor juanjo » Sab Abr 27, 2013 11:17 pm

Gracias Ferny por la información.
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