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New tools "Dxf To Rw" for routers

Foro para tratar temas relacionados con las rutas de RailWorks, su creación y recreación.

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New tools "Dxf To Rw" for routers

Notapor Claudio1964 » Lun Ene 23, 2012 10:56 pm

Greetings to you all,

Announcement to all the creators of railways for RailWorks the availability of new tools

"Dxf To Rw"

You can also draw your tracks from real drawings of existing railways or fancy creating a DXF (2D CAD) resulting in a few steps in the railroad RailWorks.

If you want to check out this video on You Tube:

I hope you would please give them this news

If administrators do not like to be able to remove this ad.

Greetings and thanks for your attention, Claudio
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Registrado: Vie Mar 04, 2011 12:51 am

Re: New tools "Dxf To Rw" for routers

Notapor jjlor » Mar Ene 24, 2012 12:17 pm

Great tool for routebuilders, It seems very simple to use. :app: :app:
- Cualquier cosa que conlleve un esfuerzo es digno de reconocimiento. -
Un saludo, Jose
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Re: New tools "Dxf To Rw" for routers

Notapor 444.518 » Mar Ene 24, 2012 2:00 pm

Ok... This is a dream. Now I'll probably wake up and I had dreamed this message...


My god! :shock:

Un saludo, J.
El problema de tener una mente abierta, es que la gente se empeña en llegar y tratar de poner cosas dentro.
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