TRAINZ NEWS - April 4th, 2007
Welcome to the new Trainz Classics themed newsletter. Trainz Classics will herald a new era for Trainz, and in this special edition we conclude our interview with Rob Shaw, producer of Trainz Classics, and learn more about the concept to find out where Trainz Classics is headed.
The original concept of Trainz was radical and dynamic; it evolved into something that we felt at the time would meet the market. It has been a voyage of discovery for us all. Today, after so many years in the genre and arguably leading the way, we have been able to identify where we are strong and how best to use our available development time.
So what is Trainz Classics?
For the newcomers...
First of all, Trainz Classics is where a newcomer can comfortably start their TC experience, no matter which edition they happen to begin with. We realise that not everyone following us on this journey began at V1.0, and Trainz Classics will cater directly to that need.
Included with every Trainz Classics edition will be everything the newcomer needs to build their own worlds and sessions, use and edit the existing worlds and sessions and generally discover the Trainz experience in an unimposing environment. Once comfortable with the TC platform they can then import additional content using the advanced utilities if they so desire, or they can wait for the next Trainz Classics episode and rely on the benefit and hindsight of Auran's content management experience.
For the Faithful Followers...
Faithful followers will be able to take advantage of the powerful and revised Content Manager Plus. One thing that we have learned in our experience is that once the community becomes comfortable with a utility or feature, it's unpopular to radically change it if not absolutely necessary. The revised entry-level feature set allows users to populate their Surveyor menus at their own pace and to their own taste without being overwhelmed by thousands of items of installed content. The power and focus of Trainz Classics is on its role as a platform so that items which aren't of any use to you can be removed from the menu using Content Manager Plus (CMP).
For the Advanced Users...
CMP is an undeniably powerful tool that gives the user greater and more reliable access to the installed content than ever before. Advanced users will take advantage of a host of newly built-in scripted and hard-coded content creation functions. In fact there are plans to issue an advanced-user/content-creator edition shortly following the initial release of Trainz Classics, including accessible TRS2006 dependencies, Harlem Line and other built-in source files with revised content creation guidelines. The content creator as an artist will be able to take advantage of built in scripts without a programmer's help, and vice versa, a programmer can draw upon the source files of professional artists to further their exploration. Trainz Classics "Virtual Engineering Edition 01" will be aimed at those who would like to selectively import TRS2006 legacy assets into their own Trainz Classics experience.
The Platform...
The Trainz Classics platform demonstrates what Trainz is capable of and not least of all in ways we haven't previously explored. Each edition will introduce new features and new functionality for content creators to draw on. Trainz Classics is designed to balance the requirements of the average customer and the advanced user, importantly for us all, with the needs of the publisher. We particularly aim to make it easier for newcomers to involve and immerse themselves in the content in their own way and customise their Trainz experience.
Each can select whether or not to participate in the release of a particular edition. If one isn't interested in the hypothetical... "Tenopah & Tidewater Edition" they can wait for the next exciting episode and get all the functionality developed to date. If an advanced user or content creator wishes to continue their enjoyment of Trainz in previously unexplored ways, they too can benefit from the new features we introduce and the stunning new assets we provide.
What are some the new features in the first two editions?
We've refreshed the built in content set and reduced it to a level that is more manageable in terms of quality control while allowing for a broad range of possibilities. Not only have we revised the basic built-in set, we've made it all easier to find in the Surveyor menus. Importantly we felt the existing User Interface didn't quite do justice to the magic and epic of our platform. It has been skillfully and exquisitely reworked by our resident and multi-talented GUI monster Megan Berry. We're sure that once you succumb to the magic, you'll never go back. Megan's UI trials were relieved with some timely help from the amazing Aidan Millot whose code has also been making possible a host of other special firsts for Auran...
- A flexible Cab Signalling system.
- Revised and improved train headlight system.
- Train controlled sounds, lights and boom gates at built-in road crossings.
- Automatic Train Protection options.
- New sound functions for better representation of electric traction.
- A new Freeway feature supporting and including one way and multi-lane roads.
- Remodelled roadway traffic featuring functioning headlights.
- Computerised in-cab displays.
- Improved Heads-Up-Display options.
- Improved session-design options.
And the list goes on. We've done our best to demonstrate that the Trainz Classics platform delivers on features that provide the fulfilment you expect from Trainz whether you're a newcomer or a long-time associate. We've even demoted the infamous train driver Alastair which alone will convince many of our good intentions
Speaking of famous Trainz identities...
When not keeping an eye on the musings of the very secretive and possibly devious development team, Lance Jago has been busily preparing both the Auran office and his community allies as we move into the beta testing phase. As always we are thankful that he and his tireless army are downloading and testing the pre-release versions, each contributing to make the platform a better one for all of us.
On the construction side of things, Ian 'vulcan' Manion, the coordinator and major contributing editor of the Content Creation Guide has come on board to create the type of content only somebody of his talents can. He has also been sharing his considerable 3D art skills with the other members of the team.
Taking a break from compiling TRS2006 Route CDs, Alan Yeomans is using his considerable knowledge of Trainz layouts to help bring the Harlem Line project to completion, all the while keeping his eye on the Community and in particular the Suggestion Boxcar Forum alerting us to ideas we can implement now or in future editions to come. These features will be enhanced and optimised over the coming weeks and the final set will be announced at the beginning of May. Our vigorous online community is as ever important and helpful to us as we close in on this development milestone.
OK, just.. give me sales the pitch...
Edition 1 - We Take You There - The Harlem Line
Taking full advantage of newly built-in scripting capabilities, we introduce several new train control features to enhance the realism of the experience.
Prototypical, recognisable traffic and realistic in-cab features enhance the operational realism. The Harlem Line route has been ascertained by DEM and TIGER data. Positional accuracy has been cross referenced with aerial photography and several commisioned ground surveys undertaken on location by the studious team of Alfred and Linda Barten.
The Railroad expertise of Al and other very talented locals of the route has enabled us to verify the accuracy of the model to our satisfaction.
Trainz Classics - Harlem Line Edition will satisfy any question of the platform's suitability to prototypical modelling.
Edition 2 - We Amaze You - Metropolis Edition
Take a tropical break without leaving home in a breathtaking Trainz experience. Amazing lighting art and cleverly planned routines project a modern traction enthusiast's fantasy. Modula City is a noteworthy composition by anyone's standards.
Trainzland has proven a popular and impressive creator of Trainz add-ons and has joined forces with Auran in a partnership that enables us to present Modula City in its updated entirity with our second Trainz Classics edition.
After a couple of minutes in the immersive environment it's easy to appreciate the value of this unique creation. Importantly, users can take advantage of the impressive and high quality objects it is comprised of in their own creations.
What's ahead?
Well, you don't need to take my word for it, the result will soon be in your hands and we hope above all that you'll get as much pleasure out of it as we do.
We're looking forward to seeing how this and future editions will ever broaden the Trainz horizon.
Until next time.
The Trainz Team.
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