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Independent doors animation
In any wag you can define up to 6 doors. Doors could be grouped from any number of animated nodes, which must be unique named DOOR_A, DOOR_B, DOOR_C for right doors and DOOR_D, DOOR_E, DOOR_F for doors on left side of wag.
Distribution content sample wag to demonstrate 3 different types of animated door on boths sides of wag.
Animation trigers are defined in common.iom (txt) file:
io_map ( PAD_7 "ToggleDoor_R" ALL_UP CTRL_DOWN )
io_map ( PAD_9 "ToggleDoor_L" ALL_UP CTRL_DOWN )
You can soever redefine them
Mirrors animation
Animation trigers are defined in common.iom (txt) file:
io_map ( PAD_8 "ToggleMirrors" ALL_UP CTRL_DOWN )
You can soever redefine it
+ Correction of tooltip for Dynamic brake (%)
+ GearBox correction for reversing (e.g. KIHA31)
+ Power run-up and run-out correction for reversing
+ wheel turn correction for fliped cars
+ bogies turn correction for fliped cars
+ two way independent door animation (two groups left/right)
+ independent mirrors animation
+ time correction for midnight passing in activities
+ modified versions of Englisch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian dialogs and string DLLs.
+ some corrections on AI lights
+ more realistic tree shadows
+ lights correction for improve visibility up to >500m (mipmap levels)
blas_dani escribió:
... si claro, tienen que existir las correspondientes piezas y animaciones en la jerarquia, sino, no chuta.
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