Hace tiempo que no uso el BVE y ayer por la noche ande mirando las novedades de este simulador, y de ese modo descansar del REDC por un rato. Cual fue mi sorpresa al encontrar grandes avances que desconocia.
Especialmente me llamo la atencion el BVE 4 beta, ¡parece otra cosa que cambio!.
Una cosa, eso de los NET Frameworks pa qué leñe sirven? A parte de que no me los puedo descargar...
Iarnrod Eireann o IE.
And now they're alone in New York City (New York City),
Living like ... Lord, I wonder how.
Two angels in hell in New York City (New York City),
But I can't think about that now.
I can't think about that now.
imprecionate!!! si que cambio ehhh que sopreson!!!!!!!.-
" El ferrocarril va a poblar las soledades, a dar riquezas donde hay miserias y orden donde reina el desorden,.... para ser mas tarde el FERROCARRIL AMERICANO..." Bartolome Mitre"
Engego el BVE 4, pero, se me queda en lo de BVE... De ahí no pasa...
Iarnrod Eireann o IE.
And now they're alone in New York City (New York City),
Living like ... Lord, I wonder how.
Two angels in hell in New York City (New York City),
But I can't think about that now.
I can't think about that now.
And now they're alone in New York City (New York City),
Living like ... Lord, I wonder how.
Two angels in hell in New York City (New York City),
But I can't think about that now.
I can't think about that now.